We are happy to have you here in best10pornweb.com. We have created this site so we could give people a reliable source of information about the porn industry, and what are the websites that are worth to look at. We want to show people a safe path to find websites that have content with great quality, that have a fair price according to what they offer, and those that we have verified that give their members a great experience when they join.
We are a team of fresh women and men who, first of all, are happy to do what we do (that is to watch and review porn), and second of all, who deeply care about preventing anyone from being tricked into paying for a “premium” website only to regret that decision later. We are driven by the purpose of giving people a real and trustable list with the best porn websites out there, that will actually give the value they say they will offer.
In our team we have regular people that go and test the websites we review, but they are not alone in the team. With us, there are also specialists from different areas, so we can offer you a much wider view of what any website is really about. In our team we have tech-specialists, journalists, sexologists, just to mention a few of the disciplines we cover.
All of our specialists are very experienced in their respective areas and they have participated in different kinds of projects, aimed to bring people information they need.
Since this purpose (providing useful information to people) is the most important aspect of our work, we only work with people who understand and believe in this purpose, and so the specialists that work with us have passed several tests that we have designed in order to make sure that we are working with the right kind of people.
The parameters we use to rate websites
Before going into the parameters we use to rate the websites we review, it is important to mention that in our site, best10pornweb.com, we only mention those websites that are worth mentioning. Any website that is not good enough to be considered as a good and serious entertainment option, will not be included in our list.
Now, the sites that DO appear in our reviews are the ones that have demonstrated that are worth the time and money you put in them.
In order to come up with that conclusion, we use many different parameters to have a clear and accurate measure of what the site is about. These parameters range from usability to content quality just to name a few. Some of the main parameters we check are:
- Content quality
- Content amount
- Update frequency
- User Interface
- Exclusivity of the content
We check that everything looks good according to Google’s algorithms and we make sure that the websites are compliant with all the rules that must be in place for any legitimate website. We also make sure that any website we mention has a completely safe web environment.
Also, we make sure that our reviews stay current, so we verify the websites we include two times every week so we can be certain that in our site, our readers will always find perfectly great and safe porn websites, at any moment they see them listed in our site.
Preventing evil and delivering good
It is always terrible to hear that someone who was trying to have a good time watching a little bit of porn, had his/her computer trashed by a series of viruses or other malware infections. It is also terrible to hear that someone gave his/her credit card information to a website that promised to deliver good porn content, only to find out that their card was used for purchases in the other side of the world. No one wants that to happen to them, and our work is also to prevent that from happening to you. We will only direct you to perfectly legitimate sites, that have safe ways to receive payments.
With us, this prevention has its rewards, because we offer a good deal of discounts on some of the greatest porn websites and networks. We have been able to achieve this thanks to the close relationship we have managed to create with many of the top porn websites, which has allowed us to give our visitors really nice discounts on their memberships.
If you are not so sure about purchasing a membership of any of the sites yet, in best10pornweb.com we also have great pieces of free content, so you can sample the content and quality of the porn websites that allow us to show their free videos, and then you can decide if they are just what you are looking for.
Check out our categories, browse through the options we offer, and we are sure that you will find exactly what you need.
Contact Us if you want to tell or ask us anything!