LexiLowe is one of the outstanding pornstar XXX sites from the Social Glamour network which features HD porn star videos of the model, Lexi Lowe. Her collection of porn star XXX scenes is incredible and what truly made her popular are the pornstar HD videos and photos. This model from South Wales is making a big name in the porn industry and you should not miss her every move.
Website Layout
When I first landed on the site, all I could say is that it looks very neat and presentable. The site is not like those dull and boring websites which would leave you doubts if the site is truly legit or not. In Lexi Lowe, you will know that the site really means business. The high-quality graphics are speaking for itself. Lexi Lowe is also such a stunner that you will be glued to the site for a couple of hours while you stalk and dig her collection for some interesting finds. Well, this is not a difficult task to do in this site because Lexi Lowe’s site is designed to highlight the best of her photos and videos so that at one glance, the users will immediately get what they are looking for. And this is one thing that I like on this website. Aside from that, the site is also fully functional and responsive. The site loads its pages fast and there were no broken pictures or any dead links that I discovered so far. It is also equipped with tools to make the navigation easy.
There is the menu bar which helps users go to the different sections of the site like the homepage the videos section, the photo collection, the behind the scenes, the live cam and the link to the entire Social Glamour network. The site also has a search bar where users can search for specific items by using keywords or tags. There is also the pagination feature where you will only have to select the numbers at the bottom of the page to show a certain group of contents without reloading the entire site.
In the homepage, you will see a sneak peek of the entire collection of the site since there are sample galleries for the videos and photos. There’s also a gallery for the video collection of the entire network which features different girls like Anastasia Harris and Lauren Louise. In these galleries, the contents are presented in a thumbnail form where you can see interesting snapshots from the scenes. You can also get the date when the content was uploaded and by this, you can see that there were videos from 2017 and 2016. The contents are also rated and the highest rating is a five-star video. There are a couple of perfect ratings in the collection while there are some who fall short with four stars or 3.5 stars. Aside from all these galleries, the homepage also contains a slider which serves as a top banner of the site. This contains a slideshow of Lexi’s erotic photo shoots where you can see her in different styles of lingerie and bikini. You can either see her lounging on the couch, sticking out her ass in the air, or spreading her legs wide in these pictures.
At the bottom of the page, you will see a subscription form if you want to get a newsletter update from Lexi Lowe. It also contains a section for her twitter updates and an easy follow button if you are interested to connect with her in social media. The footer also contains a link to the customer support for assistance. Lastly, this section also contains the nominations of the site and so far, it already received an XBiz Awards 2017 nomination.
Models & Video Quality
This semi-professional blondie from the South Wales is becoming even more popular in Europe, UK, and America because of the type of videos that she is making. Lexi Lowe, aside from her blonde hair, can also be identified with her gigantic boobs and taut nipples. If you look closely, you will also notice that she has two cute dimples on her ass which is also one of her beauty marks. Lexi Lowe also has a piercing on her belly button that she confidently flaunts in every video. I would say that this girl is heaven sent. Her blue eyes stand out with her makeup and her nice and alluring smile just pulls everything together. You will also notice that she likes to keep her pussy shaved and they look great in her see-through bikini. You surely would want to lick that flawless meat until it spits sweet juice.
In her videos, you can see that Lexi Lowe is also up for anything. She does not only do indoor scenes like within the comfort of her bedroom but she also does adventurous outdoor scenes like in the poolside or in her balcony. She also strips tease a lot and after teasing you, she gives you a real performance that will finish you off. In total, LexiLowe has 76 videos and 82 photo sets in her collection. But if you are looking for more, her network contains over 4,000 videos where you can watch porn stars like Mica Martinez, Emelia Paige, and Gemma Massey.
Final Resume
LexiLowe is a nice and flawless site to visit. The membership fee will surely not break your bank and it can satisfy your manly cravings without a doubt. Lexi Lowe is such a sight and you will surely not get enough of her videos. Her collection is not that big but you can always watch the network videos if you want more. She also has a nice set of friends who will also drive you crazy. The site has closed, check Digital Playground for new xxx videos.