RadVideo is the finest HD gay porn on the internet nowadays. Spruced up with hot hunks and top notch recording technology, the videos will make you transfixed on the edge of your seat for long hours with amazement, ambiance and sparkling-clear images. These are productions from the best names in the industry including Helix, Channel 1, Lucas, Bel Ami among other top brass companies.
Website Layout
The design is simple and effective. The home page is filled with sorting and browsing features that make accessing the content on the site an easy experience. There is a drop down menu that lists the various services offered including a link to the support team. I could also check out the content on the site through selecting the sub-niche I preferred from a list of categories. Some of the categories that have been availed include Best Seller, Sex Toys, New, etc.
The download option also comes in various categories. These are DVDs that you can order and have them delivered to your doorstep. They include Big Dicks and Group Sex. Other navigation options include tagged images that click straight to the action; DVD titles and a search tool that helps you on whatever content you wish to check out. The navigation also offers a link to two other RadVideo sites, i.e. RadVideoonDemand and RadVideoLive. The latter is a cam site that users can access, accumulate points and experience live cam.
The DVDs offered on RadVideo come with trailers so that users can have an idea of what the main entertainment is about. The product page on the site offers performer’s name tags that also link to the various videos featuring those performers. When you order each video, you accumulate points that you can later retrieve as bonuses.
Models & Video Quality
You get to see dudes with muscular bodies, tattooed arms and legs, slender hunks exuding lots of energy black dudes in action with their dangling long tails and lots more. The dudes are endowed with great tails. That is an indisputable fact on RadVideo. They are energetic and enthusiastic. You are treated to video scenes in which the dudes are featured fucking each other in bareback encounters that show you action where the rubber meets the road.
There are lots of erotic scenes that will definitely spark a fire in the body of anyone with gay preferences. I was impressed with the agility of the bottoms as they spread their legs wide and allowed the horny dudes to insert their rock-hard and massive cocks into their assholes. You are also treated to interracial scenes and scenes shot in outdoor locations. The videos are evidence of great production expertise. The action provided is themed. That makes it easy for users to choose the videos they would like to savor.
Final Resume
I have never seen so many seductive and handsome dudes in one place before. RadVideo has a simmering collection of dudes and expertly shot videos that make the site a place anyone with gay preferences want to be in. There are raunchy sex scenes, featuring zealous hunks drilling their cocks into the assholes of dudes, filled with great yearning for a cock in their asshole. There is a lot of variety thrown into the mix including cock sucking, rimming and more.